Music Ministry

Music at our church is performed by our choir and chanters. Chanting is performed in the tradition of Byzantine chant, solo or with an isokratima.  The choir ranges from traditional Byzantine chant to four part arrangements.  The vast majority of our music is performed in English, although Greek is interspersed throughout the services.  On a usual Sunday, the chanters will start Matins at 8:45 am, ending with the Doxology around 10:00 am.  The choir will then take over for the Liturgy.

The choir practices once a week.  If you wish to lend your talents, either in chant or song, don’t hesitate to join us on a Sunday morning and sing along!

Altar Servers

In the Eastern Orthodox Church, altar servers assist the higher clergy during services. They might carry the cross, candles or liturgical fans in processions and entrances.

Greek Orthodox Youth of America (GOYA)

Greek Orthodox Youth of America (GOYA) works to educate and edify young members of the Church, encouraging them to become active sacramental participants in the life of the Body of Christ. This ministry offers them the opportunity to experience the Faith, ultimately leading them to Salvation. Learn more>>

Sunday School

Sunday School meets immediately after communion in the church hall.

Classes are formed for children and youth from preschool (starting at age three) through high school.  Church school programs are primarily based upon the curriculum of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Department of Religious Education. We have a longstanding tradition of a strong and active Sunday School, and our Youth also participate in the St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival every Spring.


Philoptochos is the duly accredited women’s philanthropic society of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. Learn more>>

Bible Study Group

Join us on Monday mornings beginning at 9:00 am (see our calendar for exact dates) for a fun and interesting Orthodox Bible Study via Zoom. Our group is open to everyone!

Catechism Classes

Catechism Classes will resume in the fall. The series of weekly classes is intended to introduce Orthodox Christianity and foster a discussion that leads to a greater understanding of it.  It is, more importantly, hoped to foster a sense of the Orthodox culture and approach lived out by the community.